Exciting News for Lake Worth!

Exciting News for Lake Worth!

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Exciting news, friends… A little town in South Florida is hitting a construction boom! If you live in Palm Beach County, you may want to listen to this! Four national home builders are in the development stages of building over 1,500 homes in Lake Worth. That may sound like a low number considering there are thousands of homes in various cities, however, considering the size of Lake Worth, this is exponential growth for the little town.

We’re excited to be a part of the expansion, considering we supply laborers to Lake Worth and the surrounding areas. This is great news for all of our awesome labor workers! We’re thrilled to be able to maximize your job opportunities, based on what you’re looking for of course.

Consistent and sustainable work is always our goal for our temporary labor workers, and with this much construction going up right on our backyard, we can’t wait to get you in on the action.

Check out our job openings in Lake Worth to see if any are the right fit for you!